Are You Playing The Infinite Game Or Do You Focus On Quick Wins?

As Simon Sinek says: business is an infinite game. You can’t win because there is no end. The infinite game is played to continue the play (or continue staying in business).

You can’t stay in the game with “Once and Done” mentality (I’ve often seen it).

You do a change today, but your competitors – they also change.

The same goes true with your website. Many business owners or C-suite think that they could make a single change on the website, and it’s done – everything will improve immediately. Or today, you make a redesign, and then all you need to do is maintain your website.

The business environment changes so fast that you need to be part of this change. You can’t just maintain what’s done. That’s not how the infinite game is played.

You need to fine-tune your business constantly. Think of it. Even when you might be doing it right, your competition might be doing it better. Having a worthy rival is what makes your company innovate.

Committing to constantly improving is one of the rules of the infinite game. This is your ability to change a business paradigm or strategic context to realize the company’s long-term vision.

Your web teams need to see trends, recognize opportunities, then assign priority and commit to implementation.

Often minor changes have large impact.

All changes are synergistic – you cannot calculate ROI on just one change, but what you should do as a leader is create an environment where people feel secure, confident, and trustworthy, where ideas are born and flow without fear and constraints.

Are you playing the infinite game or do you focus on quick wins?

Elena Velikova

Elena Velikova

Co-founder & CEO

Business 2 min read

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