Is WordPress Maintenance Service Worth the Money?

I have been asked that question so many times that I decided to dedicate a whole post to it.

The short answer is “Yes”.

But actually what matters most for you is to know why?

What is it in it for you?

How will your business benefit?

Engaging in WordPress maintenance service is essential to keep your website up and running and attract more visitors who have the potential to bring in more sales and provide higher ROI.

Your website is the backbone of your business’s digital presence. If you want your company to be successful in the modern marketplace, you’ve got to have a professional website – a website that looks good, works smoothly and supports all your digital marketing efforts.

Your business website serves as a venue where your potential customers can learn more about your business, product offerings, services, and other important information about your brand.

However, if your business website is not properly and regularly maintained, your business reputation will be hurt. Neglecting your website will lead to bugs, errors, and poor performance. You will start losing customers to your competitors.

That is what you want to avoid, at any cost, right?

A quality WordPress maintenance service can help you have a stable website with a flawless performance that will fight off hackers and security threats. Most people assume that the only tasks related to it are updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins as they are released, but there is much more into it.

Valentin Dzhebarov

Valentin Dzhebarov

Managing Partner

Wordpress 6 min read

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Learn what the 7 benefits of WordPress maintenance service are

1. You will have a secure WordPress website

Security is essential not just for business websites, but for all types of online platforms. When you perform regular maintenance to your business website, you ensure that it remains safe and secure — no unauthorized access, no hacking activities, no malware, and no security threats. The more secure your WordPress website it, the more your customers will trust in your business.

Why Website Security is Important?

A hacked WordPress site can cause serious damage to your business revenue and reputation. Hackers can steal user information, passwords, install malicious software, and can even distribute malware to your users.

Worst, you may find yourself paying ransomware to hackers just to regain access to your website.

2. You can provide a better user experience to your visitors

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A Properly Maintained Website = Good User Experience

It might sound counterintuitive, but let me explain.

As a business, you want to offer a positive user experience for your visitors. Poorly maintained sites with broken links, errors, and warnings, or slow loading times, will push your users away.

With a quality WordPress maintenance service, your website errors will be captured and eliminated on regular basis. This, in turn, will provide a better experience for users and you will obtain more customers for your business.

3. You will have an improved SEO and web performance.

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When thinking about website performance and SEO, the most immediately visible factor for your site is speed.  Google uses the page speed to rank your website, and it recommended page load time is under 2 seconds. Slower than that and traffic declines at an alarming rate.

Here are just a few reasons why you should care about your website speed.

·  Site speed has been a Google ranking factor since 2010
·  Website speed is your first impression
·  Slow websites kill conversions
·  Your users expect speed

Speed matters! It affects your user experience, your search ranking and it affects your sales and conversions. Site speed is worth the investment and needs to be on every website owner’s checklist. With more and more competition for ever-shrinking attention spans, there is simply no margin for error when it comes to site performance.

Optimizing your WordPress website for speed is an important aspect of WordPress ongoing maintenance.

4. You can continue to establish your brand image.

According to a Stanford web credibility study, 75 percent of users judge a business’ credibility on website design alone. On top of this, the researchers cited “updating site content” as one of 10 ways websites can boost their credibility.

A well-maintained business website is functional, operational, and continues to establish a relationship with its customers and brand followers. Through a working website, you can convey your brand message, feature your product offerings, and provide excellent support and customer service.

You need to update your website constantly to make it look fresh, modern, and adequate to the changing business needs.

38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive.

What’s more, when you don’t do regular website maintenance checks, you could start having issues with themes and plugins. Messy themes, 404/403 page errors, expired or broken links – all things that will affect the overall user experience, causing potential customers to get frustrated with your site and leave without accomplishing anything.

5. You can save money – it costs more NOT to maintain your site

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There’s a really good quote by Jaguar Land Rover CEO Dr. Ralf Speth that goes, “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design”. Neglecting your WordPress maintenance could cost you a lot more money than just keep it save. You can read one of our client’s case study to see how a hacker wanted to destroy their business and what were the consequences of that.

Think of WordPress maintenance plans as preventive medicine. You should aim to keep your site healthy to avoid the trouble and hefty price of a website that’s either been hacked, lost a substantial amount of data or reduced to the white screen of death.

If this happened (which is not unlikely), it could take ages to fix, and will most likely require the (expensive) services of a professional. Malware removal alone could cost you substantially.

6. You can focus on your business.

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When hiring a maintenance partner like AirDesigns, you don’t need to waste your executive time manually monitoring your website’s performance and fixing errors and bugs. Instead, you can focus your time on running your business, managing operations, and grow your revenues.

7. You will protect your investment

A WordPress website is a business asset, and an investment for the long term. Custom themes, templates, media, unique photography, content, it all adds up to your initial web development investment. So why risk and having all that break down just because you do not want to commit to a small amount each month to keep your website running at its best.

Again, investing in a quality WordPress maintenance service is actually protecting your investment in the first place and increasing its initial value even further. Professional development provides for a clean code that follows the WordPress Coding Standards, makes your website easily maintainable, and prevents unexpected recurring costs.

With AirDesigns, you are covered in many fields: development, security, site updates, expert support, and more. We have a flexible price model, tailored to your business needs.

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Valentin Dzhebarov

Valentin Dzhebarov

Managing Partner

Wordpress 6 min read

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