
The Future Lies in merging E-commerce with Physical Stores

Merging Online with Physical Stores

Zizito, the company that provides quality goods at a good price, believes that the combination of physical stores and e-commerce is what the customers demand. They didn’t want to be a pure e-commerce company. Their ultimate goal was to expand through a combination of physical stores and e-commerce in the European market.

Zizito also knew that to be successful through e-commerce, the website should be available in the domestic languages, so multilanguage functionality was necessary.

The connection to the physical store was very important for Zizito. When there is a connection to a store, the customers trust the retailer more, and they feel more secure when shopping online. The customers can go online to look at their products and then visit the store to see them or the other way around.

Zizito saw great benefits to being available on all channels. That’s why they needed a new model for their company; “multichannel.” Since they were not there yet, they hired AirDesigns to make the transition smooth.

“We needed a scalable solution… with a high level of flexibility,” said Mladen, CEO.

With the extensive expertise in ecommerce business and the various technology stack they use, AirDesigns was the obvious choice for expanding Zizito B2B business: from user experience design to on-site security and speed optimization.

A B2B platform for online and offline stores

AirDesigns understand just how complicated B2B purchasing can get; the need to offer volume pricing or customer-specific discounts, up-to-date inventory data, etc.

To meet their ambitions to boost their B2B business, enter into the B2C market and expand into new countries, they needed a state-of-the-art eCommerce solution.

Together with Zizito, AirDesigns began designing, developing, and implementing the B2B platform in August 2018.

AirDesigns created a very agile platform to support their whole sales process from the first contact with the distributor to delivery. It's a robust solution that has laid a strong foundation for the Zizito brand business's digital future.

Fulfilled requirements included:

  • Fast web store implementation (to be live ahead of the holiday season)
  • Multilanguage stores with all the required sets of content, processing payments, and language translation.
  • A unified solution that would support both a B2B wholesale and B2C retail solution
  • Mobile responsive design
  • B2B-specific functionality
  • A complicated B2B purchasing, offering volume pricing, customer-specific discounts, and discounts depending on the payment options
  • Frictionless, easy purchase experience that functions across channels and provides flexible options to customers 
  • Up-to-date inventory data coming from an ERP 
  • Industry-leading speed optimization – AirDesigns produced load-times of less than one second.
  • Additional features like a mega menu, sticky menu, and a promo-code engine to drive marketing campaigns.
  • Marketing and business processing automation solutions

A total digital transformation

With AirDesigns, Zizito has transformed its original small webstore into a fully-featured B2B eCommerce engine, capable of supporting its business today and into the future. During its peak season, Zizito receives up to 56,000 sessions daily, which the site handles without impacting performance or page load times.

The impact on their business has been impressive. Since 2018, online revenue has increased 196 percent, driven by a 276 percent improvement in conversion rates and a 105 percent increase in total transactions.

Since the B2B site's relaunch in 2018, manual processes have been reduced by over 75 percent. And new customer registrations have increased by 150 percent.

Get the most out of your online store in 2022

Don't miss the opportunities the new year has to offer. Get in touch with us for a first free review and consultation, and learn how we can help to grow your online business.

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