Ongoing Support & Maintenance

Keep Your Website & Apps Running At Their Best

Your website or app is a critical business asset that needs ongoing maintenance to perform at its best. Whether that’s simply keeping up with patches and updates, or adding new features down the road, or optimising for maximum conversions, our Ongoing Maintenance and Support Program ensures your web application remains supported, maintained, and enhanced well after it launches.

Support Models

We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to client support. We will tailor a support arrangement for you that meets your specific needs and budget. We offer two different support models:

Dedicated Support

When your business requires a dedicated resource, who is always available to handle any emergency or support requests, then our dedicated support model is right for you. You are provided with a certain amount of work hours based on your needs and any additional hours required are available at a discounted rate. Dedicated support is charged on a monthly basis.

Priority-Based Support

Priority-based support means that you will call us for any work you need and we’ll assign a resource to complete your request on a first come first serve basis. Priority-based support is charged on an hourly basis.

Maintenance & Security

System and Platform Upgrades

Feature Enhancements & Additions

Design Updates

What’s your challenge?

I need Maintenance & Security service

Ensure that your site remains secure, up-to-date and functional with regular maintenance and security support.

We offer a full range of maintenance and security services including security monitoring, maintenance upkeep, automatic backups, 24/7 emergency support, security audits, security updates, site audits, performance monitoring, performance tuning, and much more.

I need my website or app stays Upgraded

The truth is that technology will always require upgrades. Consumer demand for new features, changes to government compliance and reporting, and the desire for things to run faster are just three reasons why businesses will always need upgrades.

Take advantage of latest core improvements, enhance your existing features and/or improve any weak points in your site with a reliable partner like AirDesigns. We can upgrade your entire site, or we can just upgrade your modules (plug-ins), features or core.

I need new Feature Enhancements & Additions

Your online presence should always be expanding and attracting increased attention to your products and services. With that being said, many business owners quickly fall behind the curve when it comes to their websites, as the online space is constantly evolving and it can sometimes be difficult to keep up.

Make your site more powerful by adding new features or improving your sites existing features. Features that include responsive web design, SEO, navigation, live chat, integrations with marketing automation platforms like MailChimp and HubSpot, CRM and ERP, and much more.

Our ongoing support program keeps your website competitive and improve your marketing results exponentially.

I need my website stays fresh and modern

It’s not easy to keep your website always looks modern and be functional. The rapidly changing world of technology is not helping with this, either. New trends can easily make your website outdated and render it all but useless, leaving you with fewer visitors than you started with.

So, how are you supposed to fix this and keep your visitors? How do you maintain a website that looks good, functions perfectly, and credibly communicates your message?

A complete redesign comes to mind as a valid option, but in some situations, you may need just a few improvements to your website design – from moving to responsive design to paying more attention to color schemes, to improving page speed for lower bounce rate and longer sessions, to making a clear Call to Action, guiding user behavior, etc.

All these, you can have with a dedicated or priority-based support from AirDesigns.

Ready to discuss your project?