Clutch Names Air Designs Among Bulgaria’s Top E-Commerce Developers For 2022

At Air Designs, our mission is to lead the development industry in adopting a multidisciplinary and data-driven approach to bringing great ideas to life. We do not just create websites and digital products; we design and deliver uniquely memorable brand experiences that get people thinking, talking, and buying. We have the vision and resources to manage the project expertly, from the first spark of inspiration to fully realized execution.

With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce that Air Designs was named a leader on Clutch in the e-commerce development space! If you’re not familiar with Clutch, it is a B2B ratings and reviews platform based in Washington, DC. They evaluate technology service and solutions companies based on the quality of work, thought leadership, and client reviews.

The Clutch Leader Awards recognize companies’ commitment to building their expertise, providing stellar customer service, and producing high-quality results for clients. These firms meet their methodology’s standards of excellence and can be trusted by potential B2B buyers to excel at new projects.

This recognition illustrates the drive and commitment we have for our clients. We owe this to our clients, especially those who took the time to leave us their feedback on Clutch! We’re celebrating this milestone because of your support! Here is a snippet from one of the reviews we’ve received so far.

“We are very satisfied with the management of the project. The assigned project manager had a grasp on the scope of the project, the resources and personnel dedicated to the project, and the timelines. He communicated every step of the process with us.” – Zhenya Strahinova, Sales & Marketing Manager, Lucky Bansko Aparthotel

We don’t just write code. We design solutions for the most complex business challenges. Contact us now so we can talk about your next big project.

Elena Velikova

Elena Velikova

Co-founder & CEO

General 2 min read

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