How Google Rank Websites Without Backlinks? 8 Hidden Reasons

Are you also in search of the answer if a website can rank without having any kind of backlinks attached to it? We got you covered.

Many believe that a website cannot rank without backlinks, but this article is here to bust the myth. And, yes! Your website can rank without having any kind of backlink. However, these links play a crucial role to gain traffic but are not the only source to rank high on Google.

There are many other factors too that can help in ranking factor but might take some of your efforts and precious time. However, results are guaranteed. With the following factors, we can assure you that all the efforts and time you will invest in this cause will be worth spending.

How is this possible? Well, for that reason, we have found perfect nine secrets and hidden reasons that will help you index on Google and other search engines. However, you will have to practice these drills regularly to maintain your pace.

Ways to Gain Success in SEO without Link Building

According to my research, the following are the nine secrets that can help you rank your website ahead of others and make it on top of the searches when your respective keyword is mentioned in the search bar.

Valuable and Outstanding Content

The first thing that you can do to make your website rank is to provide valuable and quality content.

 The users are there to conceive the content you are providing there, so make it as good as possible that will aid your site gain more clicks, get great conversions and rank high on search engines.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your content is thoroughly researched and up to a point, so whenever a user comes to your website to read something, he leaves fully satisfied. Make sure all the queries of your prospect is answered by your post.

 Also, while writing the content, make sure you provide a solution to your visitors because answers are given by everyone but make some sites on edge are their exemplary services. So beware!

Make your content as concise and precise as possible so your reader doesn’t get bore and continues to the landing page.

On-Page SEO

Focus on on-page SEO is essential. Keep a strict eye on the main things like the title of your blog post, the Meta titles, descriptions, word counts, likings, etc. Also, make sure the structure of the content is right according and relevant to your target audience.

Try to be as relevant and concise as possible to gain the attention of your readers. Go and click on your website and read what you have shared. If your content and overall design appeal to you, it will do the same to others but if the situation is adverse, rethink your decisions. This technique will help you boost up your ranking because content and design are the new boss and plays a vital role in search engine ranking.  

Long Tail or Uncompetitive Keywords

The next crucial thing that can help you in getting your website rank high is using long-tail and uncompetitive keywords for your article.

Find out the keywords that are most searched and related to your niche. Extract out the ones that are highly rewarding yet have very low competition.

This tactic will help you in many ways. You will get a chance of ranking with those keywords as the low competition will make you stand out, and your presence will be prominently noticed among others.

Another way to rank on keywords includes competitor analysis. Examine what keywords your competitor is ranking on and mold your keyword strategy accordingly. However, you need to have a strong eye for this.


Personalization of your website from time to time comes in so handy when it comes to ranking your website. This one tip never gets outdated and results dramatically.

There are so many things that come with personalization. One of them is to update your content regularly, keep it in motion. This will catch Google’s eye and might help in ranking.

You can also present your page and your website content according to the need of your readers. Work on a reader’s persona and filter out all the information you need to add. Also, you can use user-generated content to resonate with your audience.

However, make the substance and website easy to read and use and also make the layout stylish and eye-catching so the readers might get fascinated and are hooked to your homepage.  

Personalization of your website plays a vital role in ranking, so don’t forget to employ it.

Customer Reviews

Try and make a comment box on the page for the users to leave a comment of how was their experience with the content that you provided or the navigations of your website. Try to impress them as much as you can because customer reviews and word of mouth is a great source to bring significant traffic.

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For instance, if I’m looking for a site to write my dissertation UK, the first thing that I’m going to check is the reviews on that platform.

Ask your old customers to leave a review at your site, or you can also create a dialogue box and add your favorite comments.

If someone passes a negative comment or review, take it as an opportunity to make your content even better and leave no space for mistakes. This will also get you in the chances of getting your website rank among the top ones as taking positive criticism and working on it never goes in wane.

Internal Links are a Great Idea Too

The use of internal links in your articles can also be a great way to help your website rank on Google quite surprisingly.

Almost all the websites ranking on Google have at least one internal link. These links are definitely not backlinks and are just another smarter way to promote your content and website. This practice is nothing technical. Just interlink some of your relevant pages to one specific article

This can be done by using any simple or precise keyword for the internal link you are using. However, that keyword must have high traffic.

In-Depth and Data-Driven Facts

Your content should always be unique and well researched, backed by absolute and data-driven facts.

The whole phenomenon of ranking is generally based on the content that you are providing on your website. If it is copied from any other website, is rephrased or has incorrect data no matter how much effort you’ve invested in, the algorithm will not pick it up, and all that will all go in vain.

Also, readers can be very choosy and might leave negative comments if they catch you copying from other websites or if your data is not thoroughly researched.

So, always be unique and come up with authentic facts. Try to use only trusted and recognized sites for tracking facts. Also, give an external link to back your stats.

Site Speed and Fast Navigations

Last but not least, one of the most critical points of nowadays is the loading speed and navigations in and of your article. How does it matter? Well, see the below details.

Let us consider a situation, you have followed all the points stated above and have created a mind-blowing article, but your website takes more than a normal website to load. This can be a huge turn off for your potential customer and can make them leave your site very quickly. Visit Page Speed Insights by Google, and it will help you speed up your website with amazing opinions.

The normal response rate of any website is almost 5 seconds, according to Google. But people still demand to get their desired website opened in less than 3 seconds. Now imagine your website opening even after the expected time. People have no patience in today’s world. So, you should do all the things listed in the article, but you should also not forget to work on the speed of your website. The lesser is your loading time. The greater is your recognition.

Stella Lincoln

Stella Lincoln

Stella Lincoln is an Assistant Editor at Crowd Writer. She knows all the secrets of Google rankings and search engines

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Stella Lincoln

Stella Lincoln

Stella Lincoln is an Assistant Editor at Crowd Writer. She knows all the secrets of Google rankings and search engines